Quantum Space is developing a mesh communications infrastructure called QuantumNet. It plans to meet the increasing data demands in cislunar. Their first mission, called Sentry, is set to launch on SpaceX’s Transporter-10 rideshare in March. Sentry will test technologies such as data collection and edge computing, which will be integral to QuantumNet. The company aims to create a secure, distributed communications network in space, comprising Scouts (smaller spacecraft focused on data collection) and Rangers (larger, customizable spacecraft). The common backbone and software across these vehicles ensure consistency and build on past launches. Sentry’s two-year mission will demonstrate sensing and edge computing capabilities while serving as the initial node in the QuantumNet network. Quantum Space plans to launch annually to expand QuantumNet, with details about subsequent missions yet to be revealed.
In the context of cislunar space, cybersecurity considerations are novel. As communication infrastructure extends beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) to cislunar space, there will still be a demand for robust cybersecurity measures. As the company expands its operations, a proactive and comprehensive cybersecurity strategy will be essential to safeguard sensitive information and ensure the reliability of communications in cislunar.

source: https://payloadspace.com/quantum-reveals-first-mission-sentry/