Learning from Mistakes

SPACECOM prepping data fusion pilot to create ‘common operational picture’

Article Summary:
USSPACECOM Commander announced the pilot of a fusion system to have space systems’ command, control, communications, and computer data flows all fee dinto one system for quick and centralized access and review. No new capabilities or systems, just merging data that already exists.

I was listening to an interview the other day that referenced the intelligence failures that led to 9/11 — namely a lack of coordination and information sharing between IC agencies — and this article felt like it might be an example of a senior leader in the USG learning from those mistakes. One of the key findings of the 9/11 Commission was a systematic failure in sharing information that could have, in the aggregate, prevented the catastrophe. The exact sort of thing is plausible for a nation’s civil, military, and commercial space ventures, particularly on the cyber front.

It’s entirely plausible to imagine a scenario where the military doesn’t want to reveal information about cyber attacks to protect intelligence operations and sensitive technologies. Private firms might also not want to reveal such information for fear of having investors pull out in a panic or revealing trade secrets to competitors. Not to pick on civil space agencies, but they could have the same penetrations taking place but not notice them taknig place.

If all these entities collaborate on cyber defense of space systems, in the aggregate they would be better poised to detect and mitigate threats on the horizon, much like how (at least in theory) IC agencies collaborating are better able to detect and defeat terrorist threats.