$3 billion for AI-driven Intelligence

U.S. Indo-Pacific command is developing a contract that would deliver AI driven intelligence to the region. This multi-year contract comes at a time where geopolitics are heavily influencing the region and continuous threats are being evaluated. As of late the U.S. military is embracing the use of AI due to information overload. There is simply not enough resource for military personnel to sift through the ocean of information.

What will be included in this AI-driven Intelligence? The program, Long-Range Enterprise Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Activity (LEIA), will leverage vast amounts of commercially available data. Commercial data may come from ground, air, and space systems. Consolidating this information into one model will allow the military to create a holistic view of the Indo-Pacific region and hone in on potential threat areas.

The open-endedness of the contract description allows military leaders to cater the program as they see fit and select specific data sources to feed their model. Many companies such as HawkEye360, MAXAR, and PlanetLabs have valuable space-based data collection systems in place that can be immediately leveraged. MAXAR in particular was awarded a 3D imaging contract specific to the Indo-Pacific region. On top of that contract the NGO provided an additional $1.8 million to MAXAR for 3D image processing and analytics. Combining MAXAR’s 3D imaging capabilities with a newly developed AI for threat identification, the US is poising itself as the omnipotent force in the in the Indo-Pacific region.

