Moving SpaceX from CA to TX?

Elon Musk has been known to make outlandish comments on just about every topic. It is well known he has a certain love for Texas, where Starbase is located. The same love is not held for SpaceX’s current home state of California, where much of SpaceX’s management, design, and manufacturing of the Falcon series takes place.

Elon has taken this stance with Tesla previously when he moved all of Tesla management to Texas. The story is different for a space company that has countless government contracts and that has embedded itself as the primary launch provider in the United States.

If SpaceX was to execute Elon’s plan to move all operations out of California, there would be supply chain panic. The supply chain panic would begin to present itself to the rest of the industry as launches would become more expensive and possible delays or cancellations would occur.

To move a company half way across the country, is a logistical nightmare by itself. One must not only deal with moving people, but they will have to move all office equipment, and massive manufacturing equipment. To move it all, Falcon production would have to stop for a long period of time. This would result in the mentioned delays or cancellations unless the current Falcon fleet was able to be reused and serviced without the core manufacturing plant.

The Falcon 9 rocket has been the launch vehicle for plenty of National Security launches. Similar to the civil and commercial sectors, the military has found a sweet spot for the cheap (relatively) launches the Falcon 9 can provide. If the Falcon 9 was no longer available to provide the launches, military leaders would need to search for alternative or wait until production was back up and running in Texas. The search for alternative would include price hikes, possibly those that are not feasible with already built budgets.