Apex to Provide Sat Buses for Anduril’s Defense-Oriented Space Missions

Anduril Industries has partnered with Apex to advance space capabilities by combining their expertise in AI-powered systems integration and satellite bus production. Apex, a manufacturer of off-the-shelf satellite buses, brings scalability and rapid manufacturability, while Anduril integrates these buses with its autonomous, AI-driven payloads for various space missions such as space situational awareness and missile tracking. This partnership enables rapid deployment of mission-ready satellite constellations at an unprecedented pace, meeting critical national security needs.

The cybersecurity implications are significant in this context. As Anduril’s Lattice platform integrates various autonomous systems, including edge-processing and command and control, it becomes essential to protect these systems from cyber threats. With space systems increasingly reliant on real-time data processing and AI, vulnerabilities in satellite communication links, data processing units, and ground command systems could expose critical military and defense operations to cyberattacks. Ensuring robust encryption, secure communication protocols, and resilient cybersecurity frameworks will be vital as these space assets become more integral to national defense strategies.

Erwin, S. (2024b, September 30). Apex to provide satellite buses for Anduril’s defense-oriented space missions. SpaceNews. https://spacenews.com/anduril-apex/