On space matters, Biden’s national security strategy adopts a less combative tone

This week I was going to talk about a BBC article (https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-63109532) which emphasized the space domains importance in the current war in Ukraine.  However, yesterday the National Security Strategy was released from the White House, with spacenews.com (https://spacenews.com/on-space-matters-bidens-national-security-strategy-adopts-a-less-combative-tone/) highlighting a key difference between the last strategy and this one, with regards to the space domain.  The National Security Strategy “outlines how the United States will advance our vital interests and pursue a free, open, prosperous, and secure world. We will leverage all elements of our national power to out compete our strategic competitors; tackle shared challenges; and shape the rules of the road.” (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/12/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-administrations-national-security-strategy/) , and basically just lists the security and defense issues that the current administration thinks we should focus on.  It is used as the basis of for the National Defense Strategy, and will guide the DoD as well.  This article very briefly compares how the two documents speak to space, and I have not been able to read the full Security Strategy yet to see if there were any other points.  However, it does point out that the current administration’s wording is much less aggressive compared to the previous administration, but still calls for the US to be the leader in safety, security, and stability of space access.  While this doesn’t directly reference cybersecurity, government contractors can guide the large civilian companies’ contracts and goals, and they will set the pass for other companies as well.  So, it is important for anyone in the cybersecurity fields to read through the document and see where the goals of the DoD will be focused over the next 4 years.