Bring on the bugs and get paid for it!!-Blog 5

Hacking is the gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.

Recently a University purchased a Starlink terminal, streaming the signal for 24 hours, developed some code to determine position and  created a positioning system (far less accuracy than GPS).  This University used the signal,  but didn’t really “hack” into the network.

My article I chose to review takes a slight different twist from above.  “’Bring on the bugs’: SpaceX will pay you up to $25K to actually hack Starlink.”  In this article it is detailed someone actually did hack the network using a $25 homemade device.  Elon was cool with it.  Starlink is wanting people to hack its system and find flaws using a bug bounty program. Why should he pay to look for bugs when there are people who enjoy it and find it a challenge.

An individual, Lennert Wouters,  a security researcher, actually hack into Starlink.   Starlink is offering up to $25K to researchers who find and report vulnerabilities discovered through “nondisruptive” means.  Starlink doesn’t want you to disrupt the service or the infrastructure,  just help to find the loopholes.  SpaceX averages $973 in the past three months.  Lennert Wouters said the hacking tool he used was a custom circuit board built using $25 worth of parts.  SpaceX didn’t disclose how much Lennert was paid for his hack.

SpaceX said it uses multiple defense layers for protection, so if one layer fails or is compromised, there are several others to control the problem.

‘Bring on the bugs’: SpaceX will pay you up to $25,000 to hack Starlink (

The University of Texas Hacked Starlink’s Signal So It Can Be Used as a GPS Alternative (