Do you know ? #7There are new european actors in CubeSat

Norwegian company Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace has completed its acquisition of NanoAvionics and on Tuesday announced an R&D investment focused on defense-grade reliability of satellite buses.
The Norwegian defense company said it would invest in manufacturing small satellites, expand its Lithuanian factories in Vilnius and Kaunas,
focus on serial production of satellite buses and hire additional employees,they will also focus on NanoAvionics’ modular architecture for demanding remote sensing applications and cybersecurity for satellite buses.
Kongsberg announced its acquisition of NanoAvionics in July, acquiring 77% of the company from AST SpaceMobile, valuing the company at €65 million ($67 million). NanoAvionics management owns 23% of the company. The transaction was completed in September.

NanoAvionics is now Kongsberg NanoAvionics.

“Combining Kongsberg’s investment and expertise with our research, manufacturing and mission expertise will allow us to seriously scale our growth and expansion plans and even develop new products,” he said. . Buzas, CEO of Kongsberg NanoAvionics, said: “We are now well on our way to becoming one of the world’s leading suppliers of small satellite constellations. essential to achieve.”

Kongsberg said the new owner will expand his chain of supply for the company and lead to new products.

author alexandre khalfallah

source Kongsberg Completes NanoAvionics Acquisition, Plans to Invest in Defense-Grade Buses – Via Satellite – (