Elections are here — vote!!  My article is entitled “blockchain voting system to be trialed in Greenland.”-Blog 6

In this article, similar to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is being considered during the upcoming Greenland electoral sovereignty election.  Greenland is a very widespread country, so having online elections would allow more of the electoral to vote in the upcoming election.

There are many advantages to casting your vote online, but distrust and a lack of regulation and secure solutions do prevent a lot of countries moving forward.

According to the article, blockchains provide some relatively new opportunities to create security and increase transparency, especially with elections.

The thing to keep in mind is cryptocurrency blockchain technologies suffered breaches and using similar technology is in the speculative stages.  In this trial, the project aims to verify the protocols used to verify the votes are inaccessible to outsiders and they are secure.

The reason this article peaked my interest is the system will be networked and open.  This means it will be accessible to the world via internet via satellites.   There are many parties interested in swaying elections and have the capabilities to hack into systems.  Examples are Ukraine terminals, Russian satellite network [We breached Russian satellite network, say pro-Ukraine partisans | Cybernews],  US Airport websites, etc. Can you imagine a time when the US elections are online and using existing satellites/space infrastructure, the online election system would be hacked.

I would enjoy being able to vote from home via internet.  With the upcoming midterm elections, can you imagine if we did have internet voting.  Recall the recent US Presidential election.

Blockchain voting system to be trialed in Greenland | Cybernews