Do you know? #9 U Arizona is working with the United States. Space Command joins forces to tackle space challenges

The United States relies heavily on space-based resources such as GPS, weather forecasts, and communications satellites for critical daily activities. The amount of space traffic between the Earth and the Moon is increasing and, if not properly managed, could hamper future growth prospects and limit access to space.
Recognizing the long history of the University of Arizona’s space program and its excellence in space exploration, U.S. Space Command selected UArizona as its first Academic Engagement Enterprise Partner in September. This partnership provides a forum for students, faculty, and university partners to work together to address pressing challenges related to space security, exploration, development, and colonization. As part of the partnership, the university will establish a formal graduate program in space exploration based in the United States. Space Command meets your identified needs.
Nationally recognized Cyber Operations program offers online courses to enlisted military members

In 2018, the National Security Agency designated the University of Arizona College of Applied Science and Technology’s Cyber Operations program a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations, putting the university in an exclusive group of only 24 cyber operations programs in the nation.
The NSA’s designation demonstrates that the university’s Cyber Operations program meets the most demanding academic and technical requirements.
The program’s curriculum includes both offensive and defensive cyber security content delivered in a state-of-the-art virtual learning environment to ensure students have extensive hands-on experiences to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to succeed after graduation.
In 2020, the program became one of three university programs selected to host a pilot project in partnership with the United States Naval Community College to offer online courses to enlisted military members. The project allowed military members to take UArizona courses in intelligence and applied computing through Arizona Online. About 30 program participants took additional online courses through the university, including four enrolled in undergraduate programs.
The U.S. Naval Community College plans to share the results of this project and two of his other pilot projects in the spring, and university leaders hope cooperation can resume.

Author alexandre khalfallah

source UArizona-military partnerships focus on space security, language instruction and more | University of Arizona News