Do you know #9 ? you can have internet on the mont blanc

EU agrees to build satellite internet system worth €6 billion
The new program comes amid growing concerns over Russian and Chinese military advances in space and a spate of satellite launches.
In response, the 27-nation bloc wants to regain its strategic autonomy on the Internet and competitiveness in space.
To achieve this goal, the EU will deploy its own satellite constellation called ‘IRIS2’ (Infrastructure for Satellite Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security).
Perhaps the biggest advantage that IRIS2 brings to the table is that all users across Europe have access to high-speed broadband her Internet. Now you can tell your friends
In response, the 27-nation bloc wants to regain its strategic autonomy on the Internet and competitiveness in space. To achieve this goal, the EU will deploy its own satellite constellation called ‘IRIS2’ (Infrastructure for Satellite Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security).
Perhaps the biggest advantage that IRIS2 brings to the table is that all users across Europe have access to high-speed broadband her Internet. In fact, providing a reliable and fast internet connection can ensure that companies have the right technological infrastructure needed to achieve or improve their digitalization, especially in areas where significant barriers remain.
And this potential competitive advantage can be further enhanced by a secure, proprietary Internet system that minimizes the risk of data interception by dangerous third parties. To fund this promising programme, the European Commission plans to divert €2.4 billion from various EU projects, while the private sector will contribute the remaining €3.6 billion.
Although the project needs approval in 27 her EU Member States, it is safe to say that its implementation will play an important role in Europe’s digital transformation, cyber sovereignty and competitiveness.

author alexandre khalfallah

source The EU’s push for its own satellite internet is a boon for startups and security (