The Slippery Slope of Using A.I. for Cybersecurity

While ChatGPT, a chatbot using generative pre-trained transformer language models, was making news across academia for its ability to generate research papers using its artificial intelligence (A.I.), another high visibility issue has emerged from the software that has huge implications on national security according to the opinion of Rodrigo Loureiro, founder and managing partner at CyberVerse Advisors (Loureiro 2023).  Microsoft has announced their Security Copilot A.I. assistant using ChatGPT4 technology to increase the efficiency and productivity of cyber security defense efforts.  This could dramatically reduce costs of space programs implementing cyber security protocols by allowing the A.I. software to create and build tailored approaches from defending small CubeSat assets to securing the first manned Mars mission’s cyber systems. 

Despite having what appears to be limitless applications of using A.I. to create better cyber security initiatives, Mr. Loureiro mentions that companies are hesitant to authorize their use as the risks involved haven’t completely been vetted (Loureiro 2023).  From his stance, the further companies delay use of A.I., the further behind they will be against hackers employing A.I. to create sophisticated cyber threats.  According to figures he uses from HelpNet Security, “96% of security professionals know someone using unauthorized tools within their organization and 80% admitted they use prohibited tools themselves” (Loureiro 2023).  Companies need to accelerate and figure out the governance piece of A.I. to match the speed of cyber threats. The ability of hackers using ChatGPT to create even basic phishing emails and malware could put at risk ground operations and networks controlling space assets giving the upper hand to those wishing to do ill will.

Works Cited

Loureiro, Rodrigo. 2023. “Yes, AI is a cybersecurity ‘nuclear’ threat. That’s why companies have to dare to do this.” Fox News Opinion. April 19. Accessed April 19, 2023.