Space Command nominee: U.S. has to prepare to respond to aggression against satellites.

Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting the newest nominee for head of US Space command, recently nominated by President Biden, highlighted where he believes the US needs to focus their space related defense efforts over the coming years.

Whiting emphasized the need for the US to focus on protecting their satellites and space-based assets from potential aggressors such as China, during a hearing of the US Senate Armed forces committee last week. He also went on to highlight the Chinese counter space capabilities as our biggest threat to commercial and national security space operations.

I believe this hearing will help bring space cybersecurity to the forefront of everyone’s mind, making the topics learned in this course highly relevant in our day to day jobs in the space industry. I also think it goes to highlight the need for better and more creative space cybersecurity methods to protects our nations most valuable assets. Hopefully, once whiting is confirmed we will see an even larger push to bring space cybersecurity to the forefront of the DOD’s mind.