Government awards cybersecurity contract to Xage to protect Space Force and DoD space assets

The United States Space Force has awarded a contract of up to $17M to Xage Security to provide cyber security to US Space force owned command networks for the next five years. Xage Security plans to develop plans that provide zero trust systems that will be tested throughout the Department of Defense architecture. Zero trust security in essence is to verify all users to gain access to the network no matter if they have already been verified or are trying to access the network from a secure spot. The system will secure data in a network using a “multi-layered network”. The system also promises some cross work between the US Space Force/DoD and the commercial assets it may serve. The DoD is actively trying to move all systems to zero trust systems as they provide higher security benefits than other systems.

This highlights the militaries’ view that cybersecurity for space and ground assets are at a high risk. It also highlights that growing industry of companies and contractors solely dedicated to the security of space assets. An industry that will certainly need to move at a fast pace to keep up with not only the growing demand, but the fast-growing developments in the field that is often overlooked for software and hardware development.

