WISeKey Congratulates its Partner PLD Space, From the NASDAQ Tower In New York, For the Successful Launch of MIURA 1

Ottumwa Courier

PLD Space (Spain) signed a strategic alliance with WISeSat.space to launch next generation ultra-secure satellites less than 500 kg with quantum-ready IoT communications

On October 7th, 2023, PLD space had a successful launch of the first private orbital rocket in Europe, MIURA 5.

“PLD Space was founded in 2011 by Raúl Torres and Raúl Verdú with the purpose of facilitating European access to space. Currently, the company -which has obtained more than 65 million in financing to date- has a team of more than 150 professionals distributed in three centers located in Elche, Teruel, and Huelva, totaling more than 150,000 m2 of industrial facilities”.

“WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey”, SIX: WIHN; Nasdaq: WKEY) is a global leader in cybersecurity, digital identity, and IoT solutions platform. It operates as a Swiss-based holding company through several operational subsidiaries”.

“The subsidiaries include (i) SEALSQ Corp (Nasdaq: LAES), which focuses on semiconductors, PKI, and post-quantum technology products, (ii) WISeKey SA which specializes in RoT and PKI solutions for secure authentication and identification in IoT, Blockchain, and AI, (iii) WISeSat AG which focuses on space technology for secure satellite communication, specifically for IoT applications, and (iv) WISe.ART Corp which focuses on trusted blockchain NFTs and operates the WISe.ART marketplace for secure NFT transactions”.

Diving deeper into the MIURA 5: From the PLD SPace web site: PLD SPACE signs a MOU with WISeKey to launch ultra-secure satellites with MIURA 5

From the PLC Space web site [2], “The agreement [between WISeKey and PLD Space] aims to integrate the VaultIC408 secure element into every network endpoint, ensuring world-class levels of security across the IoT ecosystem. The goal of this agreement, focused on advanced miniaturization techniques, is to offer cost-effective and accessible solutions that enable access to the space for companies and institutions of all sizes. In this sense, this alliance is a further demonstration of the growing global demand for space access services that validate the proposition offered by PLD Space”.

It goes on to say [2], “Thanks to the joint efforts of SEALSQ and WISeSat, the next generation of satellites will incorporate revolutionary post-quantum solutions. The microchips and devices, designed to withstand the evolution of computing power, are suitable for a multitude of applications, including multi-factor authentication devices, to ensure absolute data security in the quantum era”.



First private European rocket – successful launch
Demonstrates importance of space cybersecurity
Quantum ready IoT – what exacty does this mean? quantum computing poses a threat to our current crypto infrastructure [3].
Multi-factor authentication / blockchain

[1] https://www.ottumwacourier.com/news/national_news/wisekey-congratulates-its-partner-pld-space-from-the-nasdaq-tower-in-new-york-for-the/article_d92f8b00-eb62-5f07-bd59-02f0a747ebcd.html

[2] https://www.pldspace.com/en/news/corporate/pld-space-signs-a-mou-with-wisekey-to-launch-ultra-secure-satellites-with-miura-5

[3] Singh, Harjot (2023). Securing IoT in Quantum World, IEEE