Training and Awareness

As part of the Baltic Defense College, a presentation for the Space Operations Command emphasized the importance and multidimensionality of space warfare. Senior enlisted leaders from multiple nations were present as part of the Senior Enlisted Leader Course in Tartu, Estonia. The goal of the course is to prepare these leaders to effectively advise, support and enhance the strategic leadership of the respective defense forces.

The emphasis on the multidimensionality is a very good indication for space cybersecurity. When the topic of defense comes up it is very easy to limit it to physical defense as that is something that is easy to understand. However, as the combat field extends into space additional focus and awareness to the cyber aspect of the combat field is critical. Educating these leaders on how to approach defense in space from all aspects will allow greater emphasis and resources to be allocated to such endeavors.

SpOC Public Affairs. (2022, November 8). CMSgt Simmons talks space at the Baltic Defense College. Retrieved from SPACE OPERATIONS COMMAND (SPOC):